People Work Service

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

New Candidates (Related Questions)

Where are we located?

Our office is located in Gemert, 20 minutes from the city of Eindhoven. And our housing is located in the area of Gemert, Boekel, Helmond, Uden, and Oisterwijk.

Do I need to speak Dutch or English to work at People Work Service?

Dutch is not required to work in the Netherlands, but it’s a great advantage! We expect you to have at least some knowledge of English, as it will make it easier to find a good job for you. The better your English, the better job opportunities you can secure.

Do I need work experience?

Depending on the job, you may or may not need work experience. For example, welders or roofers definitely need work experience. However, we also have many jobs that do not require work experience. The most important factor is your work motivation, and if you have it, we will definitely find a good job for you.

Can I come with my partner/friends?

Certainly, they can register with us, attend an interview, and if they fit a job profile, they can also come. We have many couples and groups of friends working with us, but especially with groups, not everyone can start in the same job at the same time.

How can I apply for a job?

Basically, you can apply for a job by visiting our website and logging in through the registration form or applying for job vacancies. You can also send an email to or Remember to include a CV with your application to increase your chances of getting a job.

What is a BSN, and why do I need it? A BSN is like a social security number. Just as you have a personal identification number in your own country, when you come to work or live in the Netherlands, you will also obtain a Dutch one. It is required to work here so that our government knows who is actually working and who is visiting.

How can I obtain a BSN?

We will schedule an appointment for you at a BSN office and accompany you to obtain the BSN number. Getting one is straightforward, but it’s crucial that your documents are valid and in good condition, not damaged.

When I come to the Netherlands, how do we proceed?

Most people arrive by plane and land in Eindhoven, from where we can pick you up. We can also pick you up at the train or bus station. Alternatively, you can use public transport to get to our office in Gemert. The address is Ruijschenberghstraat 1 in Gemert. From there, we will explain how everything will work with your job, and then we’ll take you to our accommodation.

What do I need to bring when coming to the Netherlands?

You will need to bring some documents to verify your identity and register in our system. In addition, we need your bank information to know where to send your salary. You should present the following valid documents:

  • Valid passport or ID card (not damaged, as it won’t be valid if it’s damaged).
  • Driver’s license, if you have one (must be a physical version).
  • BSN number if you’ve worked in the Netherlands before (if you don’t have one, we can help you obtain it).
  • Bank account in your name (if you don’t have one, we’ll assist you in getting one). We only pay through the bank, not in cash.

I want to work at People Work Service, what are the main requirements?

Well, anyone is welcome to work at our agency. It doesn’t matter what work experience you have or how old you are. Everyone can apply for a job, but there are some important things to consider. Our basic requirements are:

  • You need a passport or EU residence permit to work in the Netherlands (a work permit or residence permit from another country is not accepted).
  • You need to have a basic level of English to communicate.
  • Motivation to work and learn new things is always a plus. It’s not mandatory, but it will make your stay much easier.
  • Driver’s license if you have one.
  • Certificates if you have them.
  • Other documents (e.g., BSN if you’ve worked in the Netherlands).

Work (Related Questions)

How many hours will my shift be?

Most contracts are full-time and vary between 36 and 40 hours per week. This variation is due to some clients having a 36-hour workweek while others have a 40-hour workweek. We also offer part-time work, with contracts ranging from 18 to 28 hours per week.

How does everything work with overtime hours?

Not all companies offer overtime hours, but most do. Overtime hours are paid at an extra percentage per hour, and the amount depends on the company you work for. For example, one of our major clients typically works 36 hours, and they are paid 100%. From 36 to 40 hours, it’s paid at 112.5%, from 40 to 45 hours, it’s 125%, and over 45 hours, it’s 150%. Companies with a 40-hour workweek pay 100% for the first 40 hours. You can have the opportunity to work more hours, depending on the workload and your performance. Employees who perform well have the first chance to work overtime hours.

How long is the contract?

The duration of contracts can range from several months to a year. However, your contract will be automatically renewed if you perform well and wish to continue. It’s possible to obtain a permanent contract directly with the client you work for after working for the same company for a year and a half. If you have worked for more than 78 weeks with us but for different clients, you may be able to get a “Fase B” contract with our agency. We’ll explain more about our contracts in a future article.

What about extra pay on Saturdays and Sundays?

Similar to overtime, pay for work on Saturdays and Sundays varies depending on the client. You can always inquire about the specific percentage extra pay for the client you work for. Most companies pay around 150% for hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays. Some clients may pay around 140%, but some even offer 200% for specific Sundays.

What safety clothing do I need to wear for work? Each company has different rules regarding attire and safety measures. In our office, we can explain what you need to wear for a specific job. However, for most clients, safety shoes with a reinforced toe and, for some jobs, a helmet (for construction work) are necessary.

Medical Insurance (Related Questions)

Do I need private medical insurance?

By law, it’s necessary to have insurance to work and live in the Netherlands. When you work here, you can enroll in our collective insurance. For more information about health insurance, please refer to our other article: [link to the article].

Is my home country’s medical insurance valid in the Netherlands?

Private medical insurance from another country is not valid for work in the Netherlands. It is only valid for vacation purposes, not for employment.

How do I pay for medical insurance?

The costs of medical insurance are automatically deducted from your salary, unless you choose a private medical insurance plan, in which case you will decide together with the insurance company how to pay.

Does this insurance also cover healthcare costs outside the Netherlands?

You are insured worldwide for emergency care. The reimbursement